Acronyms ====================== .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Acronym - Full form * - ADC - Analog to Digital Conversion * - AIC - Analog to Information Conversion * - AIHT - Accelerated Iterative Hard Thresholding * - AMP - Approximate Message Passing * - AST - Affine Scaling Transformation * - BAOMP - Backtracking based Adaptive Orthogonal Matching Pursuit * - BCQP - Bound Constrained Quadratic Program * - BCS - Bayesian Compressive Sensing * - BOCP - Block Orthogonal Matching Pursuit * - BP - Basis Pursuit * - BPDN - Basis Pursuit DeNoising * - BPIC - Basis Pursuit with Inequality Constraints * - CG - Conjugate Gradient * - CoSaMP - Compressed Sampling Matching Pursuit * - CP - Chaining Pursuit * - CR - Cognitive Radio * - CS - Compressive Sensing, Compressed Sensing, Compressive Sampling * - DCT - Discrete Cosine Transform * - DOA - Direction Of Arrival * - D-OMP - Differential Orthogonal Matching Pursuit * - DS - Dantzig Selector * - EM - Expectation Maximization * - FBP - Forward Backward Pursuit * - FFT - Fast Fourier Transform * - FISTA - Fast Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding Algorithm * - FOCUSS - Focal Underdetermined System Solution * - GBP - Greedy Basis Pursuit * - GOAMP - Generalized Orthogonal Adaptive Matching Pursuit * - GP - Gradient Projection * - GPSR - Gradient Projection for Sparse Reconstruction * - HDTV - High Definition Television * - HHS - Heavy Hitters on Steroids * - HTP - Hard Thresholding Pursuit * - IHT - Iterative Hard Thresholding * - IoT - Internet of Things * - IP - Integer Programming, Interior Point methods * - IPM - Interior Points Method * - IRLS - Iterative Reweighted Least Squares * - IST - Iterative Shrinkage/Thresholding algorithms * - LARS - Least Angle Regression * - LASSO - Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator * - LP - Linear Programming * - LS - Least Squares * - LSP - Least Squares Program * - LSQR - Least Squares * - MM - Majorization Minimization * - MP - Matching Pursuit * - MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging * - NHTP - Normalized Hard Thresholding Pursuit * - NIHT - Normalized Iterative Hard Thresholding * - OLS - Orthogonal Least Squares * - OMP - Orthogonal Matching Pursuit * - PCG - Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient * - QCLP - Quadratically Constrained Linear Program * - QP - Quadratic Programming, Quadratic Program * - SOCP - Second Order Cone Program * - SP - Subspace Pursuit * - SSC - Sparse Subspace Clustering * - TNIPM - Truncated Newton Interior Point Method * - WHT - Walsh Hadamard Transform