Source code for cr.sparse._src.cluster.spectral

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Spectral Clustering

from typing import NamedTuple

from jax import lax, jit, vmap, random
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.numpy.linalg import norm
from jax.experimental.sparse import BCOO
from .kmeans import kmeans

import cr.nimble as cnb
import cr.nimble.svd as lasvd
from cr.nimble import promote_arg_dtypes

[docs]class SpectralclusteringSolution(NamedTuple): """The solution for K-means algorithm """ laplancian : jnp.ndarray """The Laplacian""" singular_values: jnp.ndarray """Singular values of the Laplancian""" assignment: jnp.ndarray """Current assignment of points to centroids""" num_clusters: int """The number of clusters""" connectivity: float """Graph connectivity"""
def unnormalized_laplacian(W): # Compute the degree D = jnp.diag(jnp.sum(W, 0)) # Compute the Laplacian L = D - W return L
[docs]def unnormalized(key, W): """Unnormalized spectral clustering Args: key: a PRNG key used for the k-means algorithm W (jax.numpy.ndarray): Similarity/Weights matrix Returns: (SpectralclusteringSolution): A named tuple with the spectral clustering solution (Laplacian, singular values, cluster assignment) """ # make sure that W is square m, n = W.shape assert m == n, "W must be square" # Compute the Laplacian L = unnormalized_laplacian(W) # Compute the SVD of the Laplacian U, S, VH = jnp.linalg.svd(L) #print(jnp.round(S, 2)) # we need to look from the smaller singular value side # smallest one will be 0. sdiff = jnp.diff(S[:-1]) #print(sdiff) index = jnp.argmin(sdiff) #print(index) # number of clusters k = n - index - 1 # Choose the last k eigen vectors # TODO this step cannot be JITTED kernel = VH.T[:,n-k:] # TODO we cannot use JITTED kmeans since k itself is dynamic result = kmeans(key, kernel, k, iter=100) return SpectralclusteringSolution(singular_values=S, assignment=result.assignment, laplancian=L, num_clusters=k, connectivity=S[-2])
[docs]def unnormalized_k(key, W, k): """Unnormalized spectral clustering with known number of clusters Args: key: a PRNG key used for the k-means algorithm W (jax.numpy.ndarray): Similarity/Weights matrix k (int): The number of clusters Returns: (SpectralclusteringSolution): A named tuple with the spectral clustering solution (Laplacian, singular values, cluster assignment) """ # make sure that W is square m, n = W.shape assert m == n, "W must be square" # Compute the Laplacian L = unnormalized_laplacian(W) # Compute the SVD of the Laplacian U, S, VH = jnp.linalg.svd(L) # Choose the last k eigen vectors kernel = VH.T[:,n-k:] result = kmeans(key, kernel, k, iter=100) return SpectralclusteringSolution(singular_values=S, assignment=result.assignment, laplancian=L, num_clusters=k, connectivity=S[-2])
unnormalized_k_jit = jit(unnormalized_k, static_argnums=(2,)) def normalized_random_walk_laplacian(W): # Compute the degree D = jnp.sum(W, 0) D_inv = D**(-1) # Compute the Laplacian # L = I - D_inv @ W L = cnb.add_to_diagonal(-cnb.diag_premultiply(D_inv, W), 1.) return L normalized_random_walk_laplacian_jit = jit(normalized_random_walk_laplacian)
[docs]def normalized_random_walk(key, W): """Normalized spectral clustering with random walk Args: key: a PRNG key used for the k-means algorithm W (jax.numpy.ndarray): Similarity/Weights matrix Returns: (SpectralclusteringSolution): A named tuple with the spectral clustering solution (Laplacian, singular values, cluster assignment) """ # make sure that W is square m, n = W.shape assert m == n, "W must be square" # Compute the Laplacian L = normalized_random_walk_laplacian(W) # Compute the SVD of the Laplacian U, S, VH = jnp.linalg.svd(L) # we need to look from the smaller singular value side # smallest one will be 0. sdiff = jnp.diff(S[:-1]) index = jnp.argmin(sdiff) # number of clusters k = n - index - 1 # Choose the last k eigen vectors # TODO this step cannot be JITTED kernel = VH.T[:,n-k:] # TODO we cannot use JITTED kmeans since k itself is dynamic result = kmeans(key, kernel, k, iter=100) return SpectralclusteringSolution(singular_values=S, assignment=result.assignment, laplancian=L, num_clusters=k, connectivity=S[-2])
def normalized_random_walk_k(key, W, k): """Normalized spectral clustering with random walk Args: key: a PRNG key used for the k-means algorithm W (jax.numpy.ndarray): Similarity/Weights matrix k (int): The number of clusters Returns: (SpectralclusteringSolution): A named tuple with the spectral clustering solution (Laplacian, singular values, cluster assignment) """ # make sure that W is square m, n = W.shape assert m == n, "W must be square" # Compute the Laplacian L = normalized_random_walk_laplacian(W) # Compute the SVD of the Laplacian U, S, VH = jnp.linalg.svd(L) # Choose the last k eigen vectors kernel = VH.T[:,n-k:] result = kmeans(key, kernel, k, iter=100) return SpectralclusteringSolution(singular_values=S, assignment=result.assignment, laplancian=L, num_clusters=k, connectivity=S[-2]) normalized_random_walk_k_jit = jit(normalized_random_walk_k, static_argnums=(2,)) def normalized_symmetric_w(W): # Compute the degree D = jnp.sum(W, 0) D_half_inv = D**(-1/2) # Compute the normalized # W = D_inv @ W @ D_inv W = cnb.diag_premultiply(D_half_inv, W) W = cnb.diag_postmultiply(W, D_half_inv) return W def normalized_symmetric_fast_k(key, W, k): """Normalized symmetric spectral clustering fast implementation """ W = promote_arg_dtypes(W) # make sure that W is square m, n = W.shape assert m == n, "W must be square" # following is a shortcut to compute D^{-1} W W = normalized_symmetric_w(W) # convert it into a sparse matrix # W = BCOO.fromdense(W) p0 = lasvd.lanbpro_random_start(key, W) U, S, V, bnd, n_converged, state = lasvd.lansvd_simple_jit(W, 5*k, p0) # Choose the last k eigen vectors kernel = V[:, :k] # normalize the rows of kernel kernel = cnb.normalize_l2_rw(kernel) result = kmeans(key, kernel, k, iter=100) return SpectralclusteringSolution(singular_values=S, assignment=result.assignment, # technically we didn't compute the Laplacian correctly laplancian=W, num_clusters=k, # we didn't compute the connectivity connectivity=-1) normalized_symmetric_fast_k_jit = jit(normalized_symmetric_fast_k, static_argnums=(2,)) def normalized_symmetric_sparse_w(W): assert W.ndim == 2 assert W.n_sparse == 2 # Compute the degree D = W.sum(0).todense() D_half_inv = D**(-1/2) # Compute the normalized W # not implemented... do it by hand # return D_half_inv[:, None] * W * D_half_inv # W = D_inv @ W @ D_inv i, j = W.indices.T data = * D_half_inv[i] * D_half_inv[j] return BCOO((data, W.indices), shape=W.shape) def normalized_symmetric_sparse_fast_k(key, W, k): """Normalized symmetric spectral clustering fast implementation for sparse W """ # make sure that W is square m, n = W.shape assert m == n, "W must be square" # following is a shortcut to compute D^{-1} W W = normalized_symmetric_sparse_w(W) # convert it into a sparse matrix # W = BCOO.fromdense(W) p0 = lasvd.lanbpro_random_start(key, W) U, S, V, bnd, n_converged, state = lasvd.lansvd_simple_jit(W, 5*k, p0) # Choose the last k eigen vectors kernel = V[:, :k] # normalize the rows of kernel kernel = cnb.normalize_l2_rw(kernel) result = kmeans(key, kernel, k, iter=100) return SpectralclusteringSolution(singular_values=S, assignment=result.assignment, # technically we didn't compute the Laplacian correctly laplancian=W, num_clusters=k, # we didn't compute the connectivity connectivity=-1) normalized_symmetric_sparse_fast_k_jit = jit(normalized_symmetric_sparse_fast_k, static_argnums=(2,))