Source code for cr.sparse._src.cluster.ssc.util

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Sparse Subspace Clustering functions

from typing import NamedTuple

from jax import jit, vmap
import jax.numpy as jnp

import cr.nimble as cnb
import cr.sparse.cluster as crcluster
from jax.experimental.sparse import BCOO, sparsify

[docs]@jit def sparse_to_full_rep(X, I): """Combines values and indices arrays to sparse representations """ # number of signals n = X.shape[1] mapper = lambda x, i : jnp.zeros(n).at[i].set(x) return vmap(mapper, (1,1), 1)(X, I)
[docs]@jit def sparse_to_bcoo(X, I): """"Combines values and indices arrays to a BCOO formatted sparse matrix """ # number of signals n = X.shape[1] # output shape shape = (n, n) # sparsity level k = I.shape[0] # column numbers of each entry cols = jnp.arange(n) # repeat column numbers for k rows cols = jnp.tile(cols, (k,1)) # total number of non-zero values nse = k*n # flatten rows and cols matrices cols = jnp.reshape(cols, (nse,1)) rows = jnp.reshape(I, (nse, 1)) # prepare combined indices list indices = jnp.hstack((rows, cols)) # flatten values list values = jnp.reshape(X, nse) # combine values and indices Y = BCOO((values, indices), shape=(n,n)) return Y
[docs]def bcoo_to_sparse(C, k): """Converts it back to values and indices (column-wise) format """ rows, cols = C.indices.T data = # number of values nse = len(data) # number of signals n = nse // k X = jnp.reshape(data, (k, n)) I = jnp.reshape(rows, (k, n)) return X, I
bcoo_to_sparse_jit = jit(bcoo_to_sparse, static_argnums=(1,))
[docs]@sparsify def rep_to_affinity(Z): """Converts sparse representations to symmetric affinity matrix """ Z = jnp.abs(Z) affinity = Z + Z.T return affinity
[docs]def angles_between_points(X): """Returns an SxS matrix of angles between each pair of points """ # make sure that the points are normalized X = cnb.normalize_l2_cw(X) # Compute gram matrix G = X.T @ X # Avoid overflow in gram matrix G = jnp.minimum(G, 1) return jnp.rad2deg(jnp.arccos(G))
[docs]def min_angles_inside_cluster(angles, cluster_sizes): """Returns the minimum angles for for each point with its neighbors inside the cluster """ # we have to ignore the diagonal elements angles = cnb.set_diagonal(angles, 10000) start_indices, end_indices = crcluster.start_end_indices(cluster_sizes) K = len(cluster_sizes) def min_angles(k): start = start_indices[k] end = end_indices[k] A = angles[start:end, start:end] return jnp.min(A, axis=0) mins = [min_angles(k) for k in range(K)] return jnp.concatenate(mins)
[docs]def min_angles_outside_cluster(angles, cluster_sizes): """Returns the minimum angles for each point with its neighbors from all other clusters """ start_indices, end_indices = crcluster.start_end_indices(cluster_sizes) K = len(cluster_sizes) def min_angles(k): start = start_indices[k] end = end_indices[k] # pick the relevant rows A = angles[start:end, :] # set the angles inside the cluster to high value A =[:, start:end].set(10000) # minimize on each row return jnp.min(A, axis=1) mins = [min_angles(k) for k in range(K)] return jnp.concatenate(mins)
[docs]def nearest_neighbors_inside_cluster(angles, cluster_sizes): """Returns the index of the nearest neighbor for each point inside the cluster """ # we have to ignore the diagonal elements angles = cnb.set_diagonal(angles, 10000) start_indices, end_indices = crcluster.start_end_indices(cluster_sizes) K = len(cluster_sizes) def inn_indices(k): start = start_indices[k] end = end_indices[k] A = angles[start:end, start:end] return jnp.argmin(A, axis=0) + start mins = [inn_indices(k) for k in range(K)] return jnp.concatenate(mins)
[docs]def nearest_neighbors_outside_cluster(angles, cluster_sizes): """Returns index of the nearest neighbor for each point with its neighbors from all other clusters """ start_indices, end_indices = crcluster.start_end_indices(cluster_sizes) K = len(cluster_sizes) def onn_indices(k): start = start_indices[k] end = end_indices[k] # pick the relevant rows A = angles[start:end, :] # set the angles inside the cluster to high value A =[:, start:end].set(10000) # minimize on each row return jnp.argmin(A, axis=1) mins = [onn_indices(k) for k in range(K)] return jnp.concatenate(mins)
[docs]def sorted_neighbors(angles): """Returns the neighbor indices sorted by angle between points """ # sort the angle row-wise (along the column axis) indices = jnp.argsort(angles) # drop the first column indices = indices[:, 1:] return indices
[docs]def inn_positions(labels, sorted_neighbor_labels): """Returns the position of a neighbor inside the cluster for each point in its list of sorted neighbors across all clusters """ inn_pos = lambda s: jnp.argmax(sorted_neighbor_labels[s, :] == labels[s]) return vmap(inn_pos)(jnp.arange(labels.shape[0]))
class SubspacePreservationStats(NamedTuple): """Statistics for subspace preserving representations """ spr_errors : jnp.ndarray spr_flags : jnp.ndarray spr_error : float spr_flag : bool spr_perc : float def __str__(self): s = [] s.append(f'spr_error: {self.spr_error}, spr_flag: {self.spr_flag}, spr_perc: {self.spr_perc}') return '\n'.join(s)
[docs]def subspace_preservation_stats(C, labels): """Returns the statistics for subspace preservation """ m, n = C.shape assert m == n, "C must be a square representation matrix" # we are concerned only with absolute values C = jnp.abs(C) def stats(i): # pick the i-th signal ci = C[:, i] # identify its cluster number k = labels[i] # identify non-zero entries non_zero_indices = ci >= 1e-3 # identify the clusters of corresponding vectors non_zero_labels = jnp.where(non_zero_indices, labels, k) # verify that they all belong to same subspace spr_flag = jnp.all(non_zero_labels == k) # flags for current subspace w = labels == k # identify entries in current subspace cik = jnp.where(w, ci, 0) spr_error = 1 - jnp.sum(cik) / jnp.sum (ci) return spr_flag, spr_error spr_flags, spr_errors = vmap(stats)(jnp.arange(m)) spr_error = jnp.mean(spr_errors) spr_flag = jnp.all(spr_flags) spr_perc = jnp.sum(spr_flags) * 100. / m return SubspacePreservationStats(spr_errors=spr_errors, spr_flags=spr_flags, spr_error=spr_error, spr_flag=spr_flag, spr_perc=spr_perc)
subspace_preservation_stats_jit = jit(subspace_preservation_stats)
[docs]def sparse_subspace_preservation_stats(Z, I, labels): """Returns the statistics for subspace preservation from sparse representations """ # subpsace dimension and number of signals d, n = Z.shape # we are concerned only with absolute values Z = jnp.abs(Z) def stats(i): # pick the i-th signal ci = Z[:, i] # corresponding indices indices = I[:, i] # identify its cluster number k = labels[i] # identify the clusters of corresponding vectors non_zero_labels = labels[indices] # mark the labels for small coefficients to k non_zero_labels = jnp.where(ci < 1e-3, k, non_zero_labels) # verify that they all belong to same subspace spr_flag = jnp.all(non_zero_labels == k) # flags for current subspace w = labels == k # identify entries in current subspace cik = jnp.where(non_zero_labels == k, ci, 0) spr_error = 1 - jnp.sum(cik) / jnp.sum (ci) return spr_flag, spr_error spr_flags, spr_errors = vmap(stats)(jnp.arange(n)) spr_error = jnp.mean(spr_errors) spr_flag = jnp.all(spr_flags) spr_perc = jnp.sum(spr_flags) * 100. / n return SubspacePreservationStats(spr_errors=spr_errors, spr_flags=spr_flags, spr_error=spr_error, spr_flag=spr_flag, spr_perc=spr_perc)
sparse_subspace_preservation_stats_jit = jit(sparse_subspace_preservation_stats)