Source code for cr.sparse._src.cvx.l1ls

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Solves the l1 minimization problem using the Truncated Newton Interior Point Method


- An interior point method for large scale l-1 regularized least squares

Summary of variables involved in the algorithm

* x:  primal variable
* y: the observation vector/measurements y = A x + v
* v: the noise term
* A: the sensing matrix operator (Phi W)
* z: primal residual z = Ax - y
* lambda: regularization parameter
* lambda_i: used when regularization parameter is different for x_i
* Aty: A^T y 
* nu: dual variable/dual feasible point, eq 11, central path
* p_obj : primal objective, eq 3,6,7,8 
* d_obj : dual objective, eq 10
* s : scaling factor for constructing a dual feasible point from an arbitrary x, eq 11
* eta: duality gap, eq 12
* u : auxiliary primal variable, converting L1-LSP to QP, eq 13
* t : central path parameter
* mu: scale factor for t [2-50]
* t_0: initial value for the central path parameter, 1/lambda
* tol, epsilon: target duality gap
* 2n/t: how sub-optimal x(t) is
* H : Hessian of  Phi_t, eq 14
* g : gradient of Phi_t , eq 14
* s : step size for backtracking line search
* alpha, beta: parameters for backtracking line search
* s_min: parameter for t update
* d_1, d_2: diagonals for Hessian compact representation, IV.B
* g_1, g_2: parts of gradient of Phi_t
* g_1: gradient w.r.t. x
* g_2: gradient w.r.t. u
* P: the preconditioner, eq 15, 16
* tau: positive constant for the preconditioner, eq 16
* xi: parameter for PCG tolerance termination 

from typing import NamedTuple, List, Dict

import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import jit, lax
norm = jnp.linalg.norm

from cr.sparse.opt import pcg
from cr.sparse import RecoveryFullSolution

# IPM parameters

MU = 2

# PCG parameters

# Line search parameters
ALPHA = 0.01
BETA = 0.5
# Maximum number of iterations for the backtracking line search

class State(NamedTuple):
    """State of the TNIPM algorithm
    x: jnp.ndarray
    """Primal variable"""
    u: jnp.ndarray
    """Auxiliary Primal variable"""
    z: jnp.ndarray
    """Primal residual z = A x - y"""
    nu: jnp.ndarray
    """Dual variable"""
    dxu: jnp.ndarray
    """ Delta in x and u, the result of PCG step"""
    primal_obj: float
    "Primal objective function value"
    dual_obj: float
    "Dual objective function value"
    gap : float
    "duality gap"
    rel_gap : float
    "relative gap"
    s : float
    """ Step size for line search"""
    t : float 
    """ Central path parameter"""
    iterations: int
    """The number of iterations it took to complete"""
    n_times: int
    """Number of times A x computed """
    n_trans : int
    """Number of times A.T b computed """

[docs]def solve_from(A, y, lambda_, x0, u0, tol=1e-3, xi=1e-3, t0=None, max_iters=MAX_ITERS, pcg_max_iters=PCG_MAX_ITERS): r""" Solves :math:`\min \| A x - b \|_2^2 + \\lambda \| x \|_1` using the Truncated Newton Interior Point Method """ trans = A.trans times = A.times #TODO check for zero solution Aty = trans(y) m = y.shape[0] n = Aty.shape[0] lambda_max = norm(Aty, jnp.inf) # initialize other parameters t0 = t0 if t0 is not None else jnp.minimum(jnp.maximum(1,1/lambda_),2*n/1e-3) # if lambda_ > lambda_max: we have a zero solution # Diagonal for 2 * A^T A (preconditioner simplified) diag_AtA = 2 * jnp.ones(n) def get_primal_obj(x, z): """Computes the primal objective from primal variables""" # eq 7 return (jnp.vdot(z, z) + lambda_*norm(x,1)) def get_dual_obj(nu): """Computes dual objective from dual variables""" # Eq 10 return (-0.25* jnp.vdot(nu, nu) - jnp.vdot(nu,y)) def get_nu(z): """Computes the dual variable nu from primal residual z""" nu = 2 * z # eq 11 Atnu = trans(nu) Atnu_max = norm(Atnu, jnp.inf) sf = lambda_ / Atnu_max # eq 11 # contract nu if necessary nu = jnp.where(sf < 1, sf * nu, nu) # eq 11 return nu def get_phi(u, z, f, t): """ Computes the log barrier Phi_t Sec IV.A [scaled by 1/t] """ return jnp.vdot(z,z) + lambda_* jnp.sum(u) -jnp.sum(jnp.log(-f))/t def init(): z = times(x0) - y nu = get_nu(z) # initial value of primal objective primal_obj = get_primal_obj(x0, z) # initial value of the dual objective dual_obj = get_dual_obj(nu) gap = primal_obj - dual_obj rel_gap = gap / dual_obj dxu = jnp.zeros(2*n) return State(x=x0, u=u0, z=z, nu=nu, dxu=dxu, primal_obj=primal_obj, dual_obj=dual_obj, gap=gap, rel_gap=rel_gap, s=jnp.inf, t=t0, iterations=1, n_times=1, n_trans=2) def body(state): x = state.x u = state.u z = state.z nu = dxu = state.dxu t = state.t # print(f'{x=}') # print(f'{u=}') # print(f'{z=}') # print(f'{nu=}') # print(f'{dxu=}') # count of A.times in this iteration n_times = 0 # count of A.trans in this iteration n_trans = 0 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Newton step calculation #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q1 = 1/(u+x) q2 = 1/(u-x) # note d1, d2 are scaled by 1/t w.r.t. D1, D2 in the paper d1 = (q1**2+q2**2)/t d2 = (q1**2-q2**2)/t # calculate gradient Sec IV.B upper = trans(2*state.z)-(q1-q2)/t n_trans += 1 lower = lambda_*jnp.ones(n)-(q1+q2)/t gradient_phi = jnp.concatenate((upper, lower)) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Hessian operator IV.B #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def hessian(x): """Computes the Hessian of Phi for a given x : y = H x""" # split x into upper and lower parts x1 = x[:n] x2 = x[n:] upper = trans(2*times(x1)) + d1 * x1 + d2 * x2 lower = d2 * x1 + d1 * x2 y = jnp.concatenate((upper, lower)) return y #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Preconditioner eq 15-16 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # calculate vectors to be used in the preconditioner # eq 15-16 # 2 diag(A^T A) + D_1/t prb = diag_AtA+d1 # (D_1 D_3 - D_2^2) prs = prb*d1-(d2**2) p1 = d1 / prs p2 = d2 / prs p3 = prb / prs def preconditioner(x): r"""Computes the inverse y = M \ x where M is the preconditioner operator""" x1 = x[:n] x2 = x[n:] upper = p1 * x1 - p2 * x2 lower = -p2 * x1 + p3 * x2 y = jnp.concatenate((upper, lower)) return y #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Preconditioned Conjugate Gradients TNIPM step 1 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set pcg tol (relative) gradient_norm = norm(gradient_phi) # See truncation rule eta = pcg_tol = jnp.minimum(1e-1,xi*eta/jnp.minimum(1,gradient_norm)) # pcg_tol = jnp.where (ntiter != 0 and pitr == 0, pcg_tol*0.1, pcg_tol) pcg_sol = pcg.solve_from(hessian, -gradient_phi, dxu, max_iters=pcg_max_iters, tol=pcg_tol, M=preconditioner) dxu = pcg_sol.x dx = dxu[:n] du = dxu[n:] # how many iterations in PCG pcg_iters = pcg_sol.iterations # print(f"pcg: {pcg_tol=:.4f} {pcg_iters=}") # print(f'{dxu=}') # Every pcg iteration is one H(x) and one M(x) # M(x) is vector-vector stuff # H(x) involves one A x and one A^T x n_times += pcg_iters n_trans += pcg_iters #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Backtracking line search TNIPM step 2 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f = jnp.concatenate((x-u, -x-u)) phi = get_phi(u, z, f, t) gdx = jnp.vdot(gradient_phi, dxu) # print(f'{phi=}') # print(f'{gdx=}') def f_init(s): newx = x + s * dx newu = u + s * du newf = jnp.concatenate((newx-newu, -newx-newu)) return (newx, newu, newf, s) def f_body(state): s = BETA * state[3] newx = x + s * dx newu = u + s * du newf = jnp.concatenate((newx-newu, -newx-newu)) return (newx, newu, newf, s) def f_cond(state): newf = state[2] return jnp.max(newf) >= 0 def bt_init(s): newx, newu, newf, s = lax.while_loop(f_cond, f_body, f_init(s)) newz = times(newx) - y newphi = get_phi(newu, newz, newf, t) times_count = 1 return newx, newu, newf, newz, newphi, s, times_count def bt_body(state): newx, newu, newf, newz, newphi, s, times_count = state s = BETA * s newx, newu, newf, s = lax.while_loop(f_cond, f_body, f_init(s)) newz = times(newx) - y newphi = get_phi(newu, newz, newf, t) return newx, newu, newf, newz, newphi, s, times_count + 1 def bt_cond(state): newphi = state[4] s = state[5] return newphi - phi > ALPHA * s * gdx newx, newu, newf, newz, newphi, s, times_count = lax.while_loop(bt_cond, bt_body, bt_init(1.0)) # add the number of times A x was run in backtracking n_times += times_count #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # x,u update TNIPM step 3 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #update x x = newx # update u u = newu # update z (eq 9) z = newz #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dual feasible point TNIPM step 4 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update nu (eq 11) nu = get_nu(z) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Duality gap calculation TNIPM step 5 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update primal objective primal_obj = get_primal_obj(x, z) # update dual objective (only if it increases) dual_obj = jnp.maximum(get_dual_obj(nu), state.dual_obj) # duality gap gap = primal_obj - dual_obj # relative gap rel_gap = gap / state.dual_obj #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update t if required TNIPM step 7 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # t = t if s < 0.5 else jnp.maximum(jnp.minimum(2*n*MU/gap, MU*t), t) t = jnp.where(s < 0.5, t, jnp.maximum(jnp.minimum(2*n*MU/gap, MU*t), t)) return State(x=x, u=u, z=z, nu=nu, dxu=dxu, primal_obj=primal_obj, dual_obj=dual_obj, gap=gap, rel_gap=rel_gap, iterations=state.iterations+1, n_times=state.n_times+n_times, n_trans=state.n_trans+n_trans, t=t, s=s) def cond(state): """Condition for continuing the iterations TNIPM step 6 """ #print(f'[{state.iterations}] primal:{float(state.primal_obj):.3e} dual:{float(state.dual_obj):.3e} gap:{float(} rel:{float(state.rel_gap):.2f}') return (state.rel_gap > tol) & (state.iterations < max_iters) state = lax.while_loop(cond, body, init()) # state = init() # while cond(state): # state = body(state) return RecoveryFullSolution(x=state.x, r=-state.z, iterations=state.iterations, n_times=state.n_times, n_trans=state.n_trans)
solve_from_jit = jit(solve_from, static_argnames=("A", "tol", "xi", "t0", "max_iters", "pcg_max_iters"))
[docs]def solve(A, y, lambda_, x0=None, u0=None, tol=1e-3, xi=1e-3, t0=None, max_iters=MAX_ITERS, pcg_max_iters=PCG_MAX_ITERS): r""" Solves :math:`\min \| A x - b \|_2^2 + \\lambda \| x \|_1` using the Truncated Newton Interior Point Method """ m, n = A.shape x0 = x0 if x0 is not None else jnp.zeros(n) u0 = u0 if u0 is not None else jnp.ones(n) return solve_from(A, y, lambda_, x0, u0, tol, xi, t0, max_iters, pcg_max_iters)
solve_jit = jit(solve, static_argnames=("A", "x0", "u0", "tol", "xi", "t0", "max_iters", "pcg_max_iters"))