Source code for

# Copyright 2021 CR-Suite Development Team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import math
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import jit, vmap
from jax import random 

import cr.nimble as cnb

[docs]def sparse_normal_representations(key, D, K, S=1): """ Generates a set of sparse model vectors with normally distributed non-zero entries. * Each vector is K-sparse. * The non-zero basis indexes are randomly selected and shared among all vectors. * The non-zero values are normally distributed. Args: key: a PRNG key used as the random key. D (int): Dimension of the model space K (int): Number of non-zero entries in the sparse model vectors S (int): Number of sparse model vectors (default 1) Returns: (jax.numpy.ndarray, jax.numpy.ndarray): A tuple consisting of (i) a matrix of sparse model vectors (ii) an index set of locations of non-zero entries Example: >>> key = random.PRNGKey(1) >>> X, Omega = sparse_normal_representations(key, 6, 2, 3) >>> print(X.shape) (6, 3) >>> print(Omega) [1 5] >>> print(X) [[ 0. 0. 0. ] [ 0.07545021 -1.0032069 -1.1431499 ] [ 0. 0. 0. ] [ 0. 0. 0. ] [ 0. 0. 0. ] [-0.14357079 0.59042295 -1.43841705]] """ r = jnp.arange(D) r = random.permutation(key, r) omega = r[:K] omega = jnp.sort(omega) shape = [K, S] values = random.normal(key, shape) result = jnp.zeros([D, S]) result =[omega, :].set(values) result = jnp.squeeze(result) return result, omega
def sparse_biuniform_representations(key, a, b, D, K, S=1): """ Generates a set of sparse model vectors with bi-uniformly distributed non-zero entries. * Each vector is K-sparse. * The non-zero basis indexes are randomly selected and shared among all vectors. * The non-zero values have a random positive or negative sign. * The non-zero values have a magnitude which varies uniformly between [a,b] Args: key: a PRNG key used as the random key. a (float): Minimum magnitude b (float): Maximum magnitude D (int): Dimension of the model space K (int): Number of non-zero entries in the sparse model vectors S (int): Number of sparse model vectors (default 1) Returns: (jax.numpy.ndarray, jax.numpy.ndarray): A tuple consisting of (i) a matrix of sparse model vectors (ii) an index set of locations of non-zero entries """ keys = random.split(key, 3) r = jnp.arange(D) r = random.permutation(keys[0], r) omega = r[:K] omega = jnp.sort(omega) shape = [K, S] values = random.uniform(keys[1], shape) values = a + (b -a) * values # Generate sign for non-zero entries randomly sgn = jnp.sign(random.normal(keys[2], shape)) # Combine sign and magnitude values = sgn * values result = jnp.zeros([D, S]) result =[omega, :].set(values) result = jnp.squeeze(result) return result, omega
[docs]def sparse_spikes(key, N, K, S=1): """ Generates a set of sparse model vectors with Rademacher distributed non-zero entries. * Each vector is K-sparse. * The non-zero basis indexes are randomly selected and shared among all vectors. * Non-zero values are Rademacher distributed spikes (-1, 1). Args: key: a PRNG key used as the random key. N (int): Dimension of the model space K (int): Number of non-zero entries in the sparse model vectors S (int): Number of sparse model vectors (default 1) Returns: (jax.numpy.ndarray, jax.numpy.ndarray): A tuple consisting of (i) a matrix of sparse model vectors (ii) an index set of locations of non-zero entries Example: >>> key = random.PRNGKey(3) >>> X, Omega = sparse_spikes(key, 6, 2, 3) >>> print(X.shape) (6, 3) >>> print(Omega) [2 5] >>> print(X) [[ 0. 0. 0.] [ 0. 0. 0.] [-1. 1. 1.] [ 0. 0. 0.] [ 0. 0. 0.] [ 1. -1. 1.]] """ key, subkey = random.split(key) perm = random.permutation(key, N) omega = jnp.sort(perm[:K]) spikes = jnp.sign(random.normal(subkey, (K,S))) X = jnp.zeros((N, S)) X =[omega, :].set(spikes) # reduce the dimension if S = 1 X = jnp.squeeze(X) return X, omega
def index_sets(key, N, K, S, out_axis=0): """Generates K-length index (sub)sets of the set [0..N-1] for S signals """ omega = jnp.arange(N) keys = random.split(key, S) set_gen = lambda key : random.permutation(key, omega)[:K] I = vmap(set_gen, 0, out_axis)(keys) return I def points_orthogonal_to(key, x, S): """Generates a set of points which are orthogonal to a given point x """ # first we normalize x norm_x = cnb.arr_l2norm(x) x = x / norm_x # shape for the output array shape = (S,) + x.shape points = random.normal(key, shape) correlations = points @ x projections = correlations[:, jnp.newaxis] * x[jnp.newaxis, :] return points - projections ######################################################## # # Group/Block Sparsity # ########################################################
[docs]def sparse_normal_blocks(key, D: int, K: int, B: int, S: int=1, cor: float =0., normalize_blocks=False): """Generates representations where some blocks have normally distributed coefficients while others are zero. Args: key: a PRNG key used as the random key. D (int): Dimension of the model space K (int): Number of nonzero blocks B (int): Length of each block S (int): Number of sparse model vectors (default 1) cor (float): Intra block correlation under AR-1 model normalize_blocks (bool): Normalize the nonzero coefficients in each block Returns: A tuple consisting of (i) a vector/matrix of sparse model vectors (ii) active block numbers (iii) indices corresponding to the locations of nonzero entries Notes: - Each active block of samples is normalized to unit norm. """ # Compute the number of blocks C = D // B # Make sure that there is nothing left if D != C * B: raise ValueError(f"{D} must be a multiple of {B}.") key = random.split(key) # Identify the blocks which will be activated blocks = random.choice(key[0], C, shape=(K,), replace=False) blocks = jnp.sort(blocks) indices = jnp.arange(B) #+ jnp.broadcast_to(blocks, indices.shape) indices = indices[None, :] + (B * blocks)[:, None] indices = indices.flatten() # number of nonzero coefficients for each vector nv = K*B # total number of coefficients n = nv*S # total number of blocks nb = K * S vshape = (K*B,S) # random values values = random.normal(key[1], (nb,B)) if cor: # We need to enforce correlation # among the coefficients within a block b1 = cor b2 = math.sqrt(1 - b1 **2) for i in range(1, B): cur = values[:, i] prev = values[:, i-1] new = b1 * prev + b2 * cur values =[:, i].set(new) if normalize_blocks: values = cnb.normalize_l2_rw(values) values = jnp.reshape(values, (S, nv)).T x = jnp.zeros([D,S]) # print(x, len(x), len(indices), len(values)) x =[indices, :].set(values) x = jnp.squeeze(x) return x, blocks, indices