Source code for cr.sparse._src.dict.props

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from jax import jit
import jax.numpy as jnp

from cr.nimble import mat_hermitian

[docs]def gram(A): """Computes the Gram matrix :math:`G = A^T A` """ if jnp.isrealobj(A): return A.T @ A G = mat_hermitian(A) @ A return G.real
[docs]def frame(A): """Computes the frame matrix :math:`G = A A^T` """ if jnp.isrealobj(A): return A @ A.T F = A @ mat_hermitian(A) return F.real
[docs]def coherence_with_index(A): """Returns the coherence of a dictionary A along with indices of most correlated atoms """ G = gram(A) G = jnp.abs(G) n = G.shape[0] # set diagonals to 0 G =[jnp.diag_indices(n)].set(0) index = jnp.unravel_index(jnp.argmax(G, axis=None), G.shape) max_val = G[index] return max_val, index
[docs]@jit def coherence(A): """Computes the coherence of a dictionary """ max_val, index = coherence_with_index(A) return max_val
[docs]def frame_bounds(A): """Computes the frame bounds (largest and smallest singular valuee) """ s = jnp.linalg.svd(A, False, False) indices = jnp.array([0, -1]) return s[indices]
[docs]def upper_frame_bound(A): """Computes the upper frame bound for a dictionary """ s = jnp.linalg.svd(A, False, False) return s[0]
[docs]def lower_frame_bound(A): """Computes the lower frame bound for a dictionary """ s = jnp.linalg.svd(A, False, False) return s[-1]
[docs]@jit def babel(A): """Computes the babel function for a dictionary (generalized coherence) """ # compute gram matrix G = gram(A) # compute absolute values G = jnp.abs(G) # sort on each row G = jnp.sort(G) # reverse each row and drop last entry [self similarity is 1] G = G[:, -2::-1] # compute cumulative sums over rows sums = jnp.cumsum(G, axis=1) # find maximum over each column result = jnp.max(sums, axis=0) return result
[docs]def mutual_coherence_with_index(A, B): """Mutual coherence between two dictionaries A and B along with indices of most correlated atoms """ # compute inner products of atoms of A with atoms of B G = mat_hermitian(A) @ B # Take absolute values G = jnp.abs(G) # Find the maximum value and identify its index index = jnp.unravel_index(jnp.argmax(G, axis=None), G.shape) # Maxium value max_val = G[index] return max_val, index
[docs]def mutual_coherence(A, B): """"Mutual coherence between two dictionaries A and B """ max_val, index = mutual_coherence_with_index(A, B) return max_val