Source code for cr.sparse._src.fom.fom

# Copyright 2021 CR-Suite Development Team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from .defs import FomOptions, FomState

import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import jit, lax

import cr.nimble as cnb
import cr.sparse.opt as opt
import cr.sparse.lop as lop

Temporary notes:

apply_smooth is just smoothF with operator counting
apply_projector is just projectorF with operator counting

def backtrack_L(x, A_x, g_Ax, y, A_y, g_Ay, L, Lexact, beta):
    """Improves the estimate of L
    xy = x - y
    xy_sq = cnb.arr_rnorm_sqr( xy )

    def backtrack2(L):
        localL = 2 * cnb.arr_rdot( A_x - A_y, g_Ax - g_Ay ) / xy_sq
        new_L = jnp.minimum(Lexact, localL )
        new_L = jnp.minimum(Lexact, jnp.maximum( localL, L / beta ) )
        return jnp.where(localL <= L, L, new_L)

    return lax.cond(xy_sq == 0, 
        lambda L : L,

[docs]def fom(smooth_f, prox_h, A, b, x0, options: FomOptions = FomOptions()): r"""First order methods driver routine Args: smooth_f (cr.sparse.opt.SmoothFunction): A smooth function prox_h (cr.sparse.opt.ProxCapable): A prox-capable function A (cr.sparse.lop.Operator): A linear operator b (jax.numpy.ndarray): The translation vector x0 (jax.numpy.ndarray): Initial guess for solution vector options (FomOptions): Options for configuring the algorithm Returns: FomState: Solution of the optimization problem The function uses first order methods to solve an optimization problem of the form: .. math:: \text{minimize } \phi(x) = f( \AAA(x) + b) + h(x) where: * :math:`\AAA` is a linear operator from :math:`\RR^n \to \RR^m`. * :math:`b` is a translation vector. * :math:`f : \RR^m \to \RR` is a *smooth* convex function. * :math:`h : \RR^n \to \RR` is a *prox-capable* convex function. """ #print(options) # add the offset b to the input of smooth function f smooth_f = opt.smooth_func_translate(smooth_f, b) def init(): in_shape = A.input_shape out_shape = A.output_shape x = x0 # need to check if x is feasible C_x = prox_h.func(x) x, C_x = lax.cond(jnp.isinf(C_x), # this is outside the domain. Let's project it back lambda _: prox_h.prox_vec_val(x, 1), # no changes needed lambda _: (x, C_x), None) # Compute A @ x A_x = A.times(x) g_Ax, f_x = smooth_f.grad_val(A_x) g_x = jnp.zeros_like(x) # y related variables y = x A_y = A_x C_y = jnp.inf f_y = f_x g_y = g_x g_Ay = g_Ax # z related variables z = x A_z = A_x C_z = C_x f_z = f_x g_z = g_x g_Az = g_Ax norm_x = cnb.arr_rnorm(x) norm_dx = norm_x state = FomState(L=options.L0, theta=jnp.inf, x=x, A_x=A_x, g_Ax=g_Ax, g_x=g_x, f_x=f_x, C_x=C_x, y=y, A_y=A_y, g_Ay=g_Ay, g_y=g_y, f_y=f_y, C_y=C_y, z=z, A_z=A_z, g_Az=g_Az, g_z=g_z, f_z=f_z, C_z=C_z, norm_x=norm_x, norm_dx=norm_dx, iterations=0 ) return state state = init() def advance_theta(theta_old,L,L_old): return 2/(1+jnp.sqrt(1+4*(L/L_old)/theta_old**2)) def body_func(state): # update L L = state.L * options.alpha # update theta theta = advance_theta( state.theta, L, state.L) #print(L, theta) # update y y = (1 - theta) * state.x + theta * state.z # compute A @ y A_y = A.times(y) # compute gradient and value of f at A_y + b g_Ay, f_y = smooth_f.grad_val(A_y) # compute A^H g_Ay g_y = A.trans(g_Ay) # Scaled gradient step = 1 / ( theta * L ) # update z z, C_z = prox_h.prox_vec_val(state.z - step * g_y, step) # compute A @ z A_z = A.times(z) # update x x = (1 - theta) * state.x + theta * z # compute A @ x A_x = A.times(x) # compute gradient and value of f at A_x + b g_Ax, f_x = smooth_f.grad_val(A_x) # improve the estimate of L L = backtrack_L(x, A_x, g_Ax, y, A_y, g_Ay, L, options.Lexact, options.beta) # compute parameters for convergence norm_x = cnb.arr_rnorm(x) norm_dx = cnb.arr_rnorm(x - state.x) state = FomState(L=L, theta=theta, x=x, A_x=A_x, g_Ax=g_Ax, g_x=state.g_x, f_x=f_x, C_x=state.C_x, y=y, A_y=A_y, g_Ay=g_Ay, g_y=g_y, f_y=f_y, C_y=state.C_y, z=z, A_z=A_z, g_Az=state.g_Az, g_z=state.g_z, f_z=state.f_z, C_z=C_z, norm_x=norm_x, norm_dx=norm_dx, iterations=state.iterations + 1 ) return state def outer_cond_func(state): a = state.iterations < options.max_iters b = state.norm_dx >= options.tol * jnp.maximum( state.norm_x, 1 ) return jnp.logical_and(a, b) state = body_func(state) state = lax.while_loop(outer_cond_func, body_func, state) # while outer_cond_func(state): # state = body_func(state) # print(state.at_str) return state