Source code for cr.sparse._src.fom.scd

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First Order Solver for Smooth Conic Dual Problem

from .defs import FomOptions, FomState

import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import jit, lax

import cr.nimble as cnb
import cr.sparse.opt as opt
import cr.sparse.lop as lop

from .fom import fom

def smooth_dual(prox_f: opt.ProxCapable, mu=1, x0=0):
    """Constructs the smooth dual of a prox capable function

    def func(x):
        """Computes the value of the function at x
        x = jnp.asarray(x)
        x = cnb.promote_arg_dtypes(x)
        px, pv = prox_f.prox_vec_val(x0 + mu * x, mu)
        v = cnb.arr_rdot(x, px) - pv - (0.5/mu) * cnb.arr_rnorm_sqr(px - x0)
        return -v

    def grad(x):
        """Computes the gradient of the smooth function at x"""
        x = jnp.asarray(x)
        x = cnb.promote_arg_dtypes(x)
        px = prox_f.prox_op(x0 + mu * x, mu)
        return -px

    def grad_val(x):
        """Computes the gradient as well as the value of the function at x"""
        x = jnp.asarray(x)
        x = cnb.promote_arg_dtypes(x)
        px, pv = prox_f.prox_vec_val(x0 + mu * x, mu)
        # the gradient
        g = -px
        v = cnb.arr_rdot(x, px) - pv - (0.5/mu) * cnb.arr_rnorm_sqr(px - x0)
        v = -v
        return g,v

    return opt.smooth_build3(func, grad, grad_val)

[docs]def scd(prox_f: opt.ProxCapable, conj_neg_h: opt.ProxCapable, A: lop.Operator, b, mu, x0, z0, options: FomOptions = FomOptions()): r"""First order solver for smooth conic dual problems driver routine Args: prox_f (cr.sparse.opt.SmoothFunction): A prox-capable objective function conj_neg_h (cr.sparse.opt.ProxCapable): The conjugate negative :math:`h^{-}` function A (cr.sparse.lop.Operator): A linear operator b (jax.numpy.ndarray): The translation vector mu (float): The (positive) scaling term for the quadratic term :math:`\frac{\mu}{2} \| x - x_0 \|_2^2` x0 (jax.numpy.ndarray): The center point for the quadratic term z0 (jax.numpy.ndarray): The initial dual point options (FomOptions): Options for configuring the algorithm Returns: FomState: Solution of the optimization problem The function uses first order conic solver algorithms to solve an optimization problem of the form: .. math:: \underset{x}{\text{minimize}} \left [ f(x) + \frac{\mu}{2} \| x - x_0 \|_2^2 + h \left (\AAA(x) + b \right) \right ] * Both :math:`f, h` must be convex and prox-capable, although neither needs to be smooth. When :math:`h` is an indicator function for a convex cone :math:`\KKK`, this is equivalent to: .. math:: \begin{split}\begin{aligned} & \underset{x}{\text{minimize}} & & f(x) + \frac{\mu}{2} \| x - x_0 \|_2^2\\ & \text{subject to} & & \AAA(x) + b \in \KKK \end{aligned}\end{split} which is the smooth conic dual (SCD) model discussed in :cite:`becker2011templates`. """ smooth_f = smooth_dual(prox_f, mu, x0) options = options._replace(saddle=True, maximize=True) sol = fom(smooth_f, conj_neg_h, A, b, z0, options) return sol