Source code for cr.sparse._src.lop.conv

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Convolutions 1D, 2D, ND
import numpy as np
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.scipy as jsp
from jax import lax

from .impl import _hermitian
from .lop import Operator
from .util import apply_along_axis
from cr.nimble import promote_arg_dtypes

[docs]def convolve(n, h, offset=0, axis=0): """Implements a convolution operator with the filter h Note: We don't use padding of coefficients of h. It turns out, it is faster to perform a full convolution and then """ assert n > 0 m = len(h) # The location of center of the filter response should be within it. assert offset >= 0 assert offset < m forward = offset adjoint = m - 1 - offset # for the adjoint, we will simply use the conjugate of h h_conj = jnp.conjugate(h) # invert the entries as lax convolve is actually correlation h = h[slice(None, None, -1)] f_slice = slice(forward, forward+n, None) b_slice = slice(adjoint, adjoint+n, None) # add additional dimensions to h h = h[None, None, None] h_conj = h_conj[None, None, None] # padding for conv_general_dilated padding = [(0, 0), (m - 1, m - 1)] # strides for conv_general_dilated strides = (1,1) def times1d(x): """Forward convolution """ x, f = promote_arg_dtypes(x, h) result = lax.conv_general_dilated(x[None, None, None], f, strides, padding) return result[0, 0, 0, f_slice] def trans1d(x): """Adjoint convolution """ x, f = promote_arg_dtypes(x, h_conj) result = lax.conv_general_dilated(x[None, None, None], f, strides, padding) return result[0, 0, 0, b_slice] times, trans = apply_along_axis(times1d, trans1d, axis) return Operator(times=times, trans=trans, shape=(n,n))
[docs]def convolve2D(shape, h, offset=None, axes=None): """Performs 2 dimensional convolution on the input array """ N = h.ndim # The filter must be two dimensional assert N == 2 # Implemented in terms of N dimensional convolution return convolveND(shape, h, offset, axes)
[docs]def convolveND(shape, h, offset=None, axes=None): """Performs N dimensional convolution on input array """ # The dimensions of the filter filter_ndim = h.ndim # The dimensions of the data data_ndim = len(shape) # By default offset along each filter dimension is 0 if offset is None: offset = np.zeros(filter_ndim, dtype=int) else: offset = np.array(offset) # offset dimensions must match the filter dimensions assert offset.size == filter_ndim if axes is None: # By default, the convolution will happen over the first filter_ndim dimensions axes = np.arange(filter_ndim) else: axes = np.array(axes) # prepare the slices to be extracted from convolution results f_slices = [slice(None) for _ in range(data_ndim)] a_slices = [slice(None) for _ in range(data_ndim)] for i, ax in enumerate(axes): # offset along i-th axis off_ax = offset[i] # the filter size for i-th axis h_ax = h.shape[i] # the data size for i-th axis n_ax = shape[ax] # the offset for the adjoint operator for i-th axis adj_ax = h_ax - 1 - off_ax # the forward slice for the i-th axis f_slices[ax] = slice(off_ax, off_ax + n_ax) # the adjoint slice for the i-th axis a_slices[ax] = slice(adj_ax, adj_ax + n_ax) # print(f_slices) # print(a_slices) f_slices = tuple(f_slices) a_slices = tuple(a_slices) # check if filter dimensions and data dimensions match if data_ndim != filter_ndim: # Extend the filter to the data dimensions h_dims = np.ones(data_ndim, dtype=int) h_dims[axes] = h.shape h = jnp.reshape(h, h_dims) padding = [(s - 1, s - 1) for s in h.shape] strides = tuple(1 for s in h.shape) # reverse the h kernel h_conv = h[tuple(slice(None, None, -1) for s in shape)] # extend it h_conv = h_conv[None, None] h_corr = h[None, None] def times(x): """Forward N-D convolution """ x, f = promote_arg_dtypes(x, h_conv) # Make sure that x has the appropriate shape x = jnp.reshape(x, shape) result = lax.conv_general_dilated(x[None, None], f, strides, padding) result = result[0, 0] # pick the slices from other dimensions return result[f_slices] def trans(x): """Backward N-D convolution """ x, f = promote_arg_dtypes(x, h_corr) # Make sure that x has the appropriate shape x = jnp.reshape(x, shape) result = lax.conv_general_dilated(x[None, None], f, strides, padding) result = result[0, 0] # pick the slices from other dimensions return result[a_slices] return Operator(times=times, trans=trans, shape=(shape,shape))