Source code for cr.sparse._src.lop.random

# Copyright 2021 CR-Suite Development Team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.random

from .impl import _hermitian
from .lop import Operator
from .basic import matrix as matrix_op
from .basic import sparse_real_matrix, real_matrix
import cr.sparse.dict as crdict
from .util import apply_along_axis

[docs]def gaussian_dict(key, m, n=None, normalize_atoms=True, axis=0): """An operator which represents a Gaussian sensix matrix (with normalized columns) Args: key: a PRNG key used as the random key. m (int): Number of rows of the sensing matrix n (int): Number of columns of the sensing matrix normalize_atoms (bool): Whether the columns of sensing matrix are normalized (default True) axis (int): For multi-dimensional array input, the axis along which the linear operator will be applied Returns: Operator: A linear operator wrapping the sensing matrix Examples: - :ref:`gallery:lop:cs_operators` """ n = m if n is None else n Phi = crdict.gaussian_mtx(key, m, n, normalize_atoms=normalize_atoms) return matrix_op(Phi, axis=axis)
[docs]def rademacher_dict(key, m, n=None, normalize_atoms=True, axis=0): """An operator which represents a Rademacher sensing matrix Args: key: a PRNG key used as the random key. m (int): Number of rows of the sensing matrix n (int): Number of columns of the sensing matrix normalize_atoms (bool): Whether the columns of sensing matrix are normalized (default True) axis (int): For multi-dimensional array input, the axis along which the linear operator will be applied Returns: Operator: A linear operator wrapping the sensing matrix Examples: - :ref:`gallery:lop:cs_operators` """ n = m if n is None else n Phi = crdict.rademacher_mtx(key, m, n, normalize_atoms=normalize_atoms) return matrix_op(Phi, axis=axis)
[docs]def sparse_binary_dict(key, m, n=None, d=None, normalize_atoms=True, dense=False, axis=0): """An operator which represents a sparse binary sensing matrix Args: key: a PRNG key used as the random key. M (int): Number of rows of the sensing matrix N (int): Number of columns of the sensing matrix d (int): Number of 1s in each column normalize_atoms (bool): Whether the columns of sensing matrix are normalized (default True) dense (bool): Whether to return a dense or a sparse matrix axis (int): For multi-dimensional array input, the axis along which the linear operator will be applied Returns: Operator: A linear operator wrapping the sensing matrix """ n = m if n is None else n d = 10 if d is None else d Phi = crdict.sparse_binary_mtx(key, m, n, d=d, normalize_atoms=normalize_atoms, dense=dense) if dense: return matrix_op(Phi, axis=axis) else: return sparse_real_matrix(Phi, axis=axis)
[docs]def random_orthonormal_rows_dict(key, m, n=None, axis=0): """An operator whose rows are orthonormal (sampled from a random orthonormal basis) Args: key: a PRNG key used as the random key. m (int): Number of rows of the sensing matrix n (int): Number of columns of the sensing matrix axis (int): For multi-dimensional array input, the axis along which the linear operator will be applied Returns: Operator: A linear operator wrapping the sensing matrix Examples: - :ref:`gallery:lop:cs_operators` """ n = m if n is None else n Phi = crdict.random_orthonormal_rows(key, m, n) return matrix_op(Phi, axis=axis)
[docs]def random_onb_dict(key, n, axis=0): """An operator representing a random orthonormal basis Args: key: a PRNG key used as the random key. n (int): Dimension of the random orthonormal basis axis (int): For multi-dimensional array input, the axis along which the linear operator will be applied Returns: Operator: A linear operator wrapping the sensing matrix Examples: - :ref:`gallery:lop:cs_operators` """ Phi = crdict.random_onb(key, n) return matrix_op(Phi, axis=axis)
def binary_dict_alg(key, m, n=None, axis=0): """An operator representing a random matrix with 0, 1 entries. Args: key: a PRNG key used as the random key. m (int): Number of rows of the sensing matrix n (int): Number of columns of the sensing matrix axis (int): For multi-dimensional array input, the axis along which the linear operator will be applied Returns: Operator: A linear operator wrapping the sensing matrix Notes: It provides an algorithmic implementation of multiplying with a binary sensing matrix. This operator is far less efficient than corresponding matrix multiplication. Hence it is not recommended to be used till we figure out a more optimized implementation. """ n = m if n is None else n keys = jax.random.split(key, n) def times(x): y = jnp.zeros(m) for i in range(n): v = jax.random.bernoulli(keys[i], shape=(m,)) y = y + x[i] * v return y def trans(y): x = jnp.zeros(n) for i in range(n): v = jax.random.bernoulli(keys[i], shape=(m,)) x =[i].set(v @ y) return x times, trans = apply_along_axis(times, trans, axis) return Operator(times=times, trans=trans, shape=(n,m), real=False)