Source code for cr.sparse._src.lop.util

# Copyright 2021 CR-Suite Development Team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import jax
from jax import random
import jax.numpy as jnp

import cr.nimble as cnb

[docs]def to_matrix(A): """Converts a linear operator to a matrix""" n = A.input_size if not A.linear: raise Exception("This operator is not linear.") I = jnp.eye(n) times = A.times if A.input_ndim > 1: times = lambda x: A.times(jnp.reshape(x, A.input_shape)).flatten() return jax.vmap(times, (1), (1))(I)
[docs]def to_adjoint_matrix(A): """Converts the adjoint of a linear operator to a matrix""" if not A.linear: raise Exception("This operator is not linear.") m = A.output_size I = jnp.eye(m) trans = A.trans if A.output_ndim > 1: trans = lambda x: A.trans(jnp.reshape(x, A.output_shape)).flatten() return jax.vmap(trans, (1), (1))(I)
[docs]def to_complex_matrix(A): """Converts a linear operator to a matrix in complex numbers""" if not A.linear: raise Exception("This operator is not linear.") n = A.shape[1] I = jnp.eye(n) + 0j return jax.vmap(A.times, (1), (1))(I)
def dot_test_real(key, A, tol=1e-6): """Performs a dot test on the linear operator A""" m, n = A.shape #print(f"{m=}, {n=}") keys = random.split(key, 2) u = random.normal(keys[0], A.input_shape) v = random.normal(keys[1], A.output_shape) y = A.times(u) x = A.trans(v) yy = jnp.vdot(y, v) xx = jnp.vdot(u, x) rel_gap = jnp.abs(yy - xx) / ((yy + xx + 1e-15) / 2) return rel_gap < tol def dot_test_complex(key, A, tol=1e-6): m, n = A.shape keys = random.split(key, 4) u = random.normal(keys[0], (n,)) + 1j * random.normal(keys[1], (n,)) v = random.normal(keys[2], (m,)) + 1j * random.normal(keys[3], (m,)) y = A.times(u) x = A.trans(v) yy = jnp.vdot(y, v) xx = jnp.vdot(u, x) yyr = jnp.real(yy) yyi = jnp.imag(yy) xxr = jnp.real(xx) xxi = jnp.imag(xx) real_flag = jnp.abs(yyr - xxr) / ((yyr + xxr + 1e-15) / 2) < tol imag_flag = jnp.abs(yyi - xxi) / ((yyi + xxi + 1e-15) / 2) < tol return real_flag & imag_flag def rdot_test_complex(key, A, tol=1e-6): """Performs a dot test on the linear operator A with complex inputs where the inner produt is Re(y^H x)""" m, n = A.shape keys = random.split(key, 4) u = random.normal(keys[0], A.input_shape) + 1j * random.normal(keys[1], A.input_shape) v = random.normal(keys[2], A.output_shape) y = A.times(u) x = A.trans(v) yy = cnb.arr_rdot(y, v) xx = cnb.arr_rdot(u, x) rel_gap = jnp.abs(yy - xx) / ((yy + xx + 1e-15) / 2) return rel_gap < tol def apply_along_axis(times1d, trans1d, axis): """ Converts the definitions of operator times and trans functions so that they can apply along a specific axis of an n-dim array """ def times(x): x = jnp.asarray(x) if x.ndim == 1: return times1d(x) return jnp.apply_along_axis(times1d, axis, x) def trans(x): x = jnp.asarray(x) if x.ndim == 1: return trans1d(x) return jnp.apply_along_axis(trans1d, axis, x) return times, trans