Source code for cr.sparse._src.opt.projectors.lpballs

# Copyright 2021 CR-Suite Development Team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from jax import jit, lax

import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.numpy.linalg import qr, norm
from jax.scipy.linalg import svd

import cr.nimble as cnb

eps = jnp.finfo(float).eps

[docs]def proj_l2_ball(q=1., b=None, A=None): if b is not None: b = jnp.asarray(b) b = cnb.promote_arg_dtypes(b) if A is not None: A = jnp.asarray(A) A = cnb.promote_arg_dtypes(A) if q <= 0: raise ValueError("q must be greater than 0") @jit def proj_q(x): x = jnp.asarray(x) x = cnb.promote_arg_dtypes(x) norm_x = norm(x) invalid = norm_x > q def proj_inside(x): return (q/norm_x) * x return lax.cond(invalid, # scale down within the norm ball proj_inside, # keep as it is lambda x: x, x) if b is None and A is None: return proj_q @jit def proj_q_b(x): x = jnp.asarray(x) x = cnb.promote_arg_dtypes(x) # compute difference from center r = x - b norm_r = norm(r) invalid = norm_r > q def proj_inside(r): #TODO the adjustment term should depend on dtype factor = (q - 1e-7) * jnp.reciprocal(norm_r) return factor * r # update r if required r = lax.cond(invalid, # scale down within the norm ball proj_inside, # keep as it is lambda r: r, r) # move the vector to the center b x = r + b return x if A is None: return proj_q_b if b is None: # we have q and A specified. # default value for b b = 0. raise NotImplementedError("|| A x -b || <= q is not supported yet.") # We know that A is specified U, S, Vh = svd(A, full_matrices=False) m, n = A.shape rnk = min(m,n) # square of singular values S2 = S**2 # @jit def proj_q_b_A(x): # compute the residual vector r = A @ x - b invalid = norm(r) > q def project_inside(a): """Minimizes ||x - y|| s.t. || Ax - b || <= q TODO complete this """ lambda0 = 0 max_iters = 70 tol = 1e-8*q # map b to the correct frame bb = U.T @ b - S * (Vh @ a) print(bb) b2 = abs(bb)**2 q2 = q**2 l = lambda0 oldff = 0 one = jnp.ones(rnk) return x return project_inside(x) # update x if required x = lax.cond(invalid, project_inside, # keep as it is lambda x: x, x) return x return proj_q_b_A
[docs]def proj_l1_ball(q=1., b=None): r"""Projector functions for || x - b ||_1 <= q Algorithm 2 in Probing the Pareto frontier is a variant of this algorithm based on heap data structure and partial cumulative sums. """ if b is not None: b = jnp.asarray(b) b = cnb.promote_arg_dtypes(b) # TODO: This creates problems with JIT # if q <= 0: # raise ValueError("q must be greater than 0") def project_inside_ball(y): # sort the absolute values in descending order u = jnp.sort(jnp.abs(y))[::-1] # compute the cumulative sums cu = jnp.cumsum(u) # find the index where the cumulative sum is below the threshold cu_diff = cu - q u_scaled = u*jnp.arange(1, 1+len(u)) flags = cu_diff > u_scaled K = jnp.argmax(flags) K = jnp.where(K == 0, len(flags), K) # compute the shrinkage threshold kappa = (cu[K-1] - q)/K # perform shrinkage return jnp.maximum(0, y - kappa) + jnp.minimum(0, y + kappa) @jit def proj_q(x): x = jnp.asarray(x) x = cnb.promote_arg_dtypes(x) invalid = cnb.arr_l1norm(x) > q return lax.cond(invalid, # find the shrinkage threshold and shrink lambda x: project_inside_ball(x), # no changes necessary lambda x : x, x) if b is None: return proj_q @jit def proj_q_b(x): x = jnp.asarray(x) x = cnb.promote_arg_dtypes(x) # compute difference from center r = x - b invalid = cnb.arr_l1norm(r) > q # update the residual r = lax.cond(invalid, # find the shrinkage threshold and shrink lambda r: project_inside_ball(r), # no changes necessary lambda r : r, r) # translate to the center return r + b return proj_q_b