Source code for cr.sparse._src.opt.proximal_ops.prox_sorted_l1

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from jax import jit, lax
from jax.ops import segment_sum

import jax.numpy as jnp
import cr.nimble as cnb
import cr.sparse.opt as opt

from .prox import build, build_from_ind_proj

See for the cool trick of averaging of increasing segments

def prox_ordered_l1_b(state):
    y, l = state
    x = y - l
    n = len(x)
    mask = jnp.zeros(len(x), dtype=bool).at[1:].set(jnp.diff(x) > 0)
    segment_ids = jnp.cumsum(~mask) - 1
    y_sums = segment_sum(y, segment_ids, num_segments=n)
    l_sums = segment_sum(l, segment_ids, num_segments=n)
    norms = segment_sum(jnp.ones_like(x), segment_ids, num_segments=n)
    y = (y_sums / norms)[segment_ids]
    l = (l_sums / norms)[segment_ids]
    return y, l

def is_not_nonincreasing(state):
    y, l = state
    return jnp.logical_not(cnb.is_nonincreasing_vec(y -l)) 

def prox_ordered_l1_a(y, l):
    l = jnp.ravel(l)
    # convert them to 1d arrays
    y = jnp.ravel(y)
    # get the sign vector of y
    sgn = jnp.sign(y)
    # take the absolute values
    y = jnp.abs(y)
    # sort entries in y by magnitude
    idx = jnp.argsort(y)
    # go in descending order
    idx = idx[::-1]
    y = y[idx]
    # make sure that lambda and y are in same shape
    l = jnp.broadcast_to(l, y.shape)
    state = y, l
    state = lax.while_loop(is_not_nonincreasing, prox_ordered_l1_b, state)
    y, l = state
    x = (y - l)
    # keep only the postive part
    x = jnp.where(x > 0, x , 0)
    # restore x at the original indices
    x = jnp.zeros_like(x).at[idx].set(x)
    # restore the sign
    x = sgn * x
    return x

[docs]def prox_owl1(lambda_ = 1.): r"""Returns a prox-capable wrapper for the ordered and weighted l1-norm function ``f(x) = sum(lambda * sort(abs(x), 'descend'))`` Args: lambda_ (jax.numpy.ndarray): A strictly positive vector which is sorted in decreasing order Returns: ProxCapable: A prox-capable function Let :math:`x \in \RR^n`. Let :math:`|x|` represent a vector of absolute values of entries in :math:`x`. Let :math:`|x|_{\downarrow}` represent a vector consisting of entries in :math:`|x|` sorted in descending order. Let :math:`|x|_{(1)} \geq |x|_{(2)} \geq |x|_{(3)} \geq \dots \geq |x|_{(n)}` represent the order statistic of :math:`x`, i.e. entries in :math:`x` arranged in descending order by magnitude. Let :math:`\lambda \in \RR^n_{+}` be a weight vector such that :math:`\lambda_1 \geq \lambda_2 \geq \dots \geq \lambda_n` and :math:`\lambda \neq 0` i.e. not all entries in :math:`\lambda` are zero. Then the ordered weighted :math:`\ell_1` norm of :math:`x` w.r.t. the weight vector :math:`\lambda` is defined as: .. math:: J_{\lambda} (x) = \sum_{1}^n \lambda_i | x |_{(i)} The function is computed in following steps: - Take absolute values of entries in x - Sort the entries of x in descending order - Multiply the sorted entries with entries in lambda (component wise) - Compute the sum of the entries For the derivation of the proximal operator for the ordered and weighted l1 norm, see :cite:`lgorzata2013statistical`. """ lambda_ = jnp.asarray(lambda_) lambda_ = cnb.promote_arg_dtypes(lambda_) lambda_ = jnp.ravel(lambda_) @jit def func(x): x = jnp.asarray(x) x = cnb.promote_arg_dtypes(x) # take absolute values x = jnp.abs(x) # convert x to 1d array x = jnp.ravel(x) # sort the entries in ascending order x = jnp.sort(x) # reverse the order x = x[::-1] # compute element wise product x = lambda_ * x # return the sum return jnp.sum(x) @jit def proximal_op(x, t): # make sure that x is a JAX array x = jnp.asarray(x) # make sure that x is float x = cnb.promote_arg_dtypes(x) # capture original shape shape = x.shape # convert x to 1d array x = jnp.ravel(x) # compute the proximal vector z = prox_ordered_l1_a(x, t*lambda_) # put it back into original shape z = jnp.reshape(z, shape) return z return build(func, proximal_op)