Source code for cr.sparse._src.sls.lsqr

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LSQR algorithm for linear operators as defined by CR-Sparse

This implementation is adapted from PYLOPS.

* A is the operator for which we are solving A x = b
* alpha and beta are the terms emerging from lower bidiagonalization of A
* alpha is on the main diagonal.
* beta is on the lower diagonal.
* A V_k = U_{k+1} B
* rho and theta are the terms emerging from the upper bidiagonalization of A
* rho is on the main diagonal.
* theta is on the upper diagonal.
* A V_k = P_k R_k 

Relevant quantities for stopping criteria

- residual norm relative to norm of b
- A^H r norm relative to A^T b norm
- Condition number of A
- Norm of x
- Frobenius norm of A


1982, Paige and Sauders,  LSQR: An algorithm for sparse linear 
equations and sparse least squares
from typing import NamedTuple

import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import lax, jit

#norm = jnp.linalg.norm

def l2norm(x):
    xh = jnp.conjugate(x)
    x_sqr = xh * x
    sum_sqr = jnp.sum(x_sqr)
    return jnp.sqrt(jnp.abs(sum_sqr))

def l2norm_sqr(x):
    xh = jnp.conjugate(x)
    x_sqr = xh * x
    return jnp.sum(x_sqr)

from cr.nimble import promote_arg_dtypes
from cr.sparse import RecoveryFullSolution

class LSQRState(NamedTuple):
    """State for LSQR algorithm
    x: jnp.ndarray
    w: jnp.ndarray
    """The solution"""
    u: jnp.ndarray
    v: jnp.ndarray
    # various scalars to be retained. but they are stored as ndarray
    alpha: jnp.ndarray
    """Main diagonal term for lower bidiagonalization"""
    beta: jnp.ndarray
    """Lower diagonal term for lower bidiagonalization"""
    # recurrence relation 4.12
    rho_bar: jnp.ndarray
    phi_bar: jnp.ndarray
    # Rotation terms for upper to lower bidiagonalization of R
    # Section 5.2
    z: jnp.ndarray
    cs2 : jnp.ndarray
    sn2 : jnp.ndarray
    # Variables for tracking the norms
    D_norm_sqr: jnp.ndarray
    """Squared norm of D_k"""
    cum_z_sqr: jnp.ndarray
    cum_psi_sqr: jnp.ndarray
    # Stopping criteria related norm estimates
    A_norm: jnp.ndarray
    """Lower estimate of norm of A"""
    A_cond : jnp.ndarray
    """Lower estimate on the condition number of A"""
    x_norm: jnp.ndarray
    """Estimate on the norm of the solution vector x"""
    r_norm: jnp.ndarray
    """Estimate on the norm of the residual"""
    atr_norm: jnp.ndarray
    """Estimate on the norm of the proxy residual A^H r"""
    # Computation amount
    iterations: int
    """The number of iterations it took to complete"""
    n_times: int = 0
    """Number of times A x computed """
    n_trans : int = 0
    """Number of times A.T b computed """

    def __str__(self):
        """Returns the string representation of the algorithm state
        s = []
        for x in [
            f'x: {self.x.shape}',
            f'w: {self.w.shape}',
            f'u: {self.u.shape}',
            f'v: {self.v.shape}',
            f'alpha: {self.alpha}',
            f'beta: {self.beta}',
            f'rho_bar: {self.rho_bar}',
            f'phi_bar: {self.phi_bar}',
            f'z: {self.z}',
            f'cs2: {self.cs2}',
            f'sn2: {self.sn2}',
            f'D_norm_sqr: {self.D_norm_sqr}',
            f'cum_z_sqr: {self.cum_z_sqr}',
            f'cum_psi_sqr: {self.cum_psi_sqr}',
            f'A_norm: {self.A_norm}',
            f'A_cond: {self.A_cond}',
            f'x_norm: {self.x_norm}',
            f'r_norm: {self.r_norm}',
            f'atr_norm: {self.atr_norm}',
            f'iterations: {self.iterations}',
            f'n_times: {self.n_times}',
            f'n_trans: {self.n_trans}',
        return u'\n'.join(s)

[docs]class LSQRSolution(NamedTuple): """Solution for LSQR algorithm """ x: jnp.ndarray """ Solution vector """ A_norm: jnp.ndarray """Lower estimate of norm of A""" A_cond : jnp.ndarray """Lower estimate on the condition number of A""" x_norm: jnp.ndarray """Estimate on the norm of the solution vector x""" r_norm: jnp.ndarray """Estimate on the norm of the residual""" atr_norm: jnp.ndarray """Estimate on the norm of the proxy residual A^H r""" iterations: int """The number of iterations it took to complete""" n_times: int = 0 """Number of times A x computed """ n_trans : int = 0 """Number of times A.T b computed """ def __str__(self): """Returns the string representation of the algorithm solution """ s = [] for x in [ f'x: {self.x.shape}', f'A_norm: {self.A_norm}', f'A_cond: {self.A_cond}', f'x_norm: {self.x_norm}', f'r_norm: {self.r_norm}', f'atr_norm: {self.atr_norm}', f'iterations: {self.iterations}', f'n_times: {self.n_times}', f'n_trans: {self.n_trans}', ]: s.append(x.rstrip()) return u'\n'.join(s)
[docs]def lsqr(A, b, x0, damp=0, atol=1e-8, btol=1e-8, conlim=100000000., max_iters=10): """Solves the overdetermined system :math:`A x = b` in least square sense using LSQR algorithm. Args: A (cr.sparse.lop.Operator): A linear operator b (jax.numpy.ndarray): The target values x0 (jax.numpy.ndarray): Initial estimate damp (float): Paramter for damped least square problem atol (float): Tolerance for stopping criteria S1 and S2 btol (float): Tolerance for stopping criteria S1 conlim (float): Maximum allowed limit for condition number max_iters (int): maximum number of LSQR iterations Returns: LSQRSolution: A named tuple consisting of LSQR solution Adapted from Pylops """ # Make sure that everything is in floating point b, x0 = promote_arg_dtypes(b, x0) # tolerance on condition number ctol = 0 if conlim == 0 else 1. / conlim # square the value of damping parameter to be used later damp_sqr = damp ** 2 # initial residual after compenstating for x0 r = b - A.times(x0) # norm of the initial residual b_norm = l2norm(r) # Eq 3.1 Step 1 # first u vector is based on the initial residual u = r # beta_1 is same as norm of the initial residual beta = b_norm # normalize u u = lax.cond(beta > 0, lambda _: u / beta, lambda _: u, operand=None) # compute first v Eq 3.1 Step 1 v = A.trans(u) # compute alpha_1 by normalizing v alpha = l2norm(v) # normalize v v = lax.cond(alpha > 0, lambda _: v / alpha, lambda _: v, operand=None) # theta_1 is norm of A^T r Eq 3.12 atr_norm0 = alpha * beta def init(): """Initialize the state for the LSQR algorithm """ # initialize other variables # Step 1 Eq 4.10 d = v/rho. w = rho d = v. w = v # Step 1 Eq 4.12 see initial value for recurrence rho_bar = alpha # Step 1 Eq 4.12 see initial value for recurrence phi_bar = beta # initialize the algorithm state # note that while we are keeping x_0 in the state # we are keeping w_1 (corresponding to d_1) # in the state # The state contains # x_0, w_1, u_1, v_1, alpha_1, beta_1, # rho_bar_1, phi_bar_1 state = LSQRState(x=x0, w=w, u=u, v=v, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, rho_bar=rho_bar, phi_bar=phi_bar, z=0, cs2=-1, sn2=0, D_norm_sqr=0., cum_z_sqr=0., cum_psi_sqr = 0, A_norm=0., A_cond=1., x_norm = l2norm(x0), r_norm=b_norm, atr_norm=atr_norm0, iterations=1, n_times=1, n_trans=1) return state def cond(state): """Checks the halting criteria. Returns: bool: True if algorithm should continue, False otherwise We use the norms estimated in the body of the algorithm to compute quantities which can be checked for convergence. Refer to the stopping criteria S1,S2,S3 in the original paper. """ # limit on number of iterations more_iters = state.iterations < max_iters # Compute the current residual norm relative to original residual normm S1 rel_r_norm = state.r_norm / b_norm # Compute the current A^H r norm relative to original A^H r norm rel_atr_norm = state.atr_norm / atr_norm0 # Compute the inverse of the condition number S3 inv_cond_num = 1. / state.A_cond # combined tolerance for relative residual norm S1 rtol = btol + atol * state.A_norm * state.x_norm / b_norm # A measure on the whether residual norm is below machine precision t1 = rel_r_norm / (1. + state.A_norm * state.x_norm / b_norm) # all the required stopping criteria # S3 inverse of condition number must be greater than the tolerance valid_inv_cond_num = inv_cond_num > ctol # Relative ATR norm must be above a threshold to continue rel_atr_high = rel_atr_norm > atol # Relative residual norm must be above a threshold to continue rel_r_norm_high = rel_r_norm > rtol # build up the combined condition condition = more_iters # check that none of the thresholds are too small # These guard against extremely small values [below machine precision] condition = jnp.logical_and(condition, 1 + inv_cond_num > 1) condition = jnp.logical_and(condition, 1 + rel_atr_norm > 1) condition = jnp.logical_and(condition, 1 + t1 > 1) # user defined thresholds condition = jnp.logical_and(condition, valid_inv_cond_num) condition = jnp.logical_and(condition, rel_atr_high) condition = jnp.logical_and(condition, rel_r_norm_high) # Return th combined condition return condition def body(state): """Main body of each iteration of LSQR algorithm """ ## next round of biorthogonalization # update u step 3.a u = A.times(state.v) - state.alpha * state.u n_times = state.n_times + 1 # update beta step 3.a beta = l2norm(u) # normalize u step 3.a u = lax.cond(beta > 0, lambda _: u / beta, lambda _: u, operand=None) # update A_norm Near eq 5.10, expression for B_k Frobenius norm update A_norm = l2norm(jnp.array([state.A_norm, state.alpha, beta, damp])) # update v v = A.trans(u) - beta * state.v n_trans = state.n_trans + 1 # compute alpha_1 by normalizing v alpha = l2norm(v) # normalize v v = lax.cond(alpha > 0, lambda _: v / alpha, lambda _: v, operand=None) ## plane rotation to eliminate the damping parameter # This code is a no-op if damp = 0 rho_bar = l2norm(jnp.array([state.rho_bar, damp])) cs1 = state.rho_bar / rho_bar sn1 = damp / rho_bar psi = sn1 * state.phi_bar phi_bar = cs1 * state.phi_bar ## plane rotation to eliminate the subdiagonal element beta # recurrence relation Eq 4.12 # step 4.a (solution of eq 4.12 cell 1,1 and cell 2,1 of R.H.S.) # rho(k) from rho_bar(k) and beta(k+1) rho = l2norm(jnp.array([rho_bar, beta])) # step 4.b # c(k) from rho_bar(k) and rho(k) cs = rho_bar / rho # step 4.c # s(k) from beta(k+1) and rho(k) sn = beta / rho # step 4.d (eq 4.12 cell 1,2 of RHS) # theta(k+1) from s(k) and alpha(k+1) theta = sn * alpha # step 4.e (eq 4.12 cell 2,2 of RHS) # rho_bar(k+1) from c(k) and alpha(k+1) rho_bar = -cs * alpha # step 4.f (eq 4.12 cell 1,3 of RHS) # phi(k) from c(k) and phi_bar(k) phi = cs * phi_bar # step 4.g (eq 4.12 cell 2,3 of RHS) # phi_bar(k+1) from s(k) and phi_bar(k) phi_bar = sn * phi_bar ## update x and w. # w = rho d => d = w/rho # step sizes have to be scaled accordingly by rho # step size for step 5.a Eq 4.11 t1 = phi / rho # step size for step 5.b Eq 4.10 t2 = -theta / rho # Note: we need to update w first as per the paper # But it seems that the algorithm works correctly only if # x is updated according to previous w # update x , step 5.a Eq 4.11 x = state.x + t1 * state.w # update w, step 5.b Eq 4.10 w = v + t2 * state.w # The column d_k for the matrix D_k dk = state.w / rho # Frobenius norm squared for the matrix D_k D_norm_sqr = state.D_norm_sqr + l2norm_sqr(dk) # use a plane rotation on the right to eliminate the # super-diagonal element (theta) of the upper-bidiagonal matrix. # Then use the result to estimate norm(x). delta = state.sn2 * rho gamma_bar = - state.cs2 * rho rhs = phi - delta * state.z z_bar = rhs / gamma_bar # Estimate of | x | x_norm = jnp.sqrt(state.cum_z_sqr + z_bar**2) gamma = l2norm(jnp.array([gamma_bar, theta])) cs2 = gamma_bar / gamma sn2 = theta / gamma z = rhs / gamma cum_z_sqr = state.cum_z_sqr + z ** 2. # test for convergence. First, estimate the condition of the matrix # Opbar, and the norms of rbar and Opbar'rbar # Lower estimate of condition number of A Eq 5.10 A_cond = A_norm * jnp.sqrt(D_norm_sqr) # Estimate of residual norm squared Eq 5.2 |r_k|^2 res1 = phi_bar ** 2 cum_psi_sqr = state.cum_psi_sqr + psi ** 2 r_norm = jnp.sqrt(res1 + cum_psi_sqr) # Estimated norm of A^T r Eq 5.4 (with some change of variables) atr_norm = alpha * abs(sn * phi) # distinguish between r1norm = ||b - Ax|| and # r2norm = sqrt(r1norm^2 + damp^2*||x||^2). # Estimate r1norm = sqrt(r2norm^2 - damp^2*||x||^2). # Although there is cancellation, it might be accurate enough. r1sq = r_norm ** 2 - damp_sqr * cum_z_sqr r1norm = jnp.sign(r1sq) * jnp.sqrt(jnp.abs(r1sq)) r2norm = r_norm # update state state = LSQRState(x=x, w=w, u=u, v=v, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, rho_bar=rho_bar, phi_bar=phi_bar, z=z, cs2=cs2, sn2=sn2, D_norm_sqr=D_norm_sqr, cum_z_sqr=cum_z_sqr, cum_psi_sqr=cum_psi_sqr, A_norm=A_norm, A_cond=A_cond, x_norm=x_norm, r_norm=r_norm, atr_norm=atr_norm, iterations=state.iterations+1, n_times=n_times, n_trans=n_trans) return state # state = init() # # print(state) # while cond(state): # state = body(state) # # print(state) state = lax.while_loop(cond, body, init()) # Solution return LSQRSolution(x=state.x, A_norm=state.A_norm, A_cond=state.A_cond, x_norm=state.x_norm, r_norm=state.r_norm, atr_norm=state.atr_norm, iterations=state.iterations, n_times=state.n_times, n_trans=state.n_trans)
lsqr_jit = jit(lsqr, static_argnums=(0, 3, 4, 5,6, 7))