
cr.sparse.cs.cs1bit.biht(Phi, y, K, tau, max_iters=1000)[source]

Solves the 1-bit compressive sensing problem \(\text{sgn} (\\Phi x) = y\) using Binary Iterative Hard Thresholding

  • Phi (jax.numpy.ndarray) – A random dictionary of shape (M, N)

  • y (jax.numpy.ndarray) – The 1-bit measurements

  • K (int) – Sparsity level of solution x (number of non-zero entries)

  • tau (float) – Step size for the x update step

  • max_iters (int) – Maximum number of iterations


A named tuple containing the solution x and other details

Return type


We assume that \(x\) is a K-sparse vector.

We assume that the one-bit measurements are made as follows:

(1)\[y = \text{sgn} (\Phi x)\]

Thus the vector y contains entries 1 and -1 for the signs of the entries in the measurement \(\Phi x\).

The BIHT algorithm proceeds as follows:

  • Start with an estimate \(x = 0\)

  • Compute the guess \(\hat{y} = \text{sgn} (\Phi x)\)

  • Measure the residual \(r = y - \hat{y}\)

  • Count the number of mismatched bits as number of places where r is non-zero.

  • Compute the correlation \(h = \Phi^T r\)

  • Update x as \(x = x + \frac{\tau}{2} h\)

  • Hard threshold x to keep only K largest entries

  • Repeat till convergence


>>> import cr.sparse as crs
>>> import cr.sparse.dict as crdict
>>> import as crdata
>>> import cr.sparse.cs.cs1bit as cs1bit
>>> M, N, K = 256, 512, 4
>>> Phi = crdict.gaussian_mtx(cnb.KEYS[0], M, N, normalize_atoms=False)
>>> x, omega = crdata.sparse_normal_representations(cnb.KEYS[1], N, K)
>>> x = x / norm(x)
>>> y = cs1bit.measure_1bit(Phi, x)
>>> s0 = crdict.upper_frame_bound(Phi)
>>> tau = 0.98 * s0
>>> state = cs1bit.biht_jit(Phi, y, K, tau)
>>> x_rec = build_signal_from_indices_and_values(N, state.I, state.x_I)
>>> x_rec = x_rec / norm(x_rec)